Subhankar Dutta
Academician / Creative Writer / Theatre Artist
Fourthcoming Publications
Dutta, Subhankar. “Community, Religion, and Sustainability: Ritualistic Practices as a Token of Communal Sustainability and Ethical Innovations.” The Science of Religion for Sustainability, edited by Deepanjali Mishara and Jeffery D. Long, Springer Nature, 2024.
Dutta, Subhankar. “Uccha o Nimnoborger Hinduder Obosthan (Location of the Upper and Lower Caste Hindus)” by Mahitosh Biswas, Translation into English. Volume on Dalit Autobiographical Translation, edited by Mrinmoy Pramanik, Hawakal Publisher, 2024.
Co-Edited Volume
(2021) Musings on Pandemic: An Anthology of Poetry. Authorspress, New Delhi
Book Chapters
“Framing the Landscape of Technological Enhancements: Artificial Intelligence, Gender Issues, and Ethical Dilemmas.” Communication Technology and Gender Violence, edited by Deepanjali Mishara, Anh Ngoc Le, Zachery Mc Dowell, Springer Nature, 2023. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-45237-6_10
“Popular Culture and Emergent Digital Media: A ContemporaryIntrospection through the Hook Swinging (Gajan) Festival and Performances.” Digitisation of Culture Through Technology, edited by Deepanjali Mishra, Taylor and Francis, 2022, pp. 190-196. https://rb.gy/tvsems
“Becoming Someone Else: Formation of Identities and Representations in the Folk Rituals of Hook Swinging (Gajan) Festival.” The Dynamics of Folklore and Orature in Culture: Forms, Perspectives, and Appropriations, edited By Pallavi Mishra. Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics, 2022, pp. 15-29.
“Breaking the Barriers: Space and Time in Badal Sircar’s Basi Khabar (The Stale News, 1979).” South Asian Literature, Culture, and Society: A Critical Ruminations, edited by Goutam Karmakar, Atlantic, 2021, pp. 56-72.
“Giving Form to the Voices: Challenges and Possibilities of Studying Folk Literature in the Present Scenario.” Indian Folk Literature, edited by Sudheer Hajela, Yking Books, 2021, pp. 72-82.
Journal Articles
Dutta, Subhankar. “Creating Folk Pantheon, Performances, and Beliefs: A Visual Narrative of Gajan (Hook Swinging) in Bengal.” Visual Ethnography, vol. 11. no.2 (2023). http://dx.doi.org/10.12835/ve2023.1-126 (Scopus Indexed)
Dutta, Subhankar. “The World within a Play or Playing within the World: Re-animating the Author through the Actor’s Voice.” New Literaria, vol. 4, no. 2 (2023), pp. 156-164. https://dx.doi.org/10.48189/nl.2023.v04i2.017 (MLA/DOAJ)
Dutta, Subhankar. “Protest, Politics, and Performance: South Asian Youth in the Age of Globalisation.” Critical Childhood and Youth Studies Collective, (2021) https://www.theccysc.com/protest-politics-and-performance-subhankar-dutta
Other Publications
“Community, Tradition, and Identity: Representation of Body in the Gajan Festival of Bengal.” (Re)Framing Identity in the Subcontinent: Responses from History, Culture, and Literature, edited by Raj Raj Mukhopadhyay, Atlantic, 2022, pp. 158-171.
“Thousand Faces in the Glass: The Diversified Dimensions of Folklore Studies with a prime focus on its Managemental Possibilities.” Literary Miscellany, 7 (2018).
Translation of “Theories of Translation” by Eugene A. Nida into Bengali. (As a part of the Project under NTM; Mysore, CIIL, 2017)
Creative Writings
“Bhakta Dadu.” TMYS Review March 2023: Community Appearance & Individual Presentation. The Center for South Asian Studies (CSAS), University of Hawai`i., USA.
“Baba’s Old Tin Box.” TMYS Review September 2021: Displacement and Resettlement caused by floods. Environmental Humanities Centre, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
“My Window Speaks a Lot” in the collection The Great Indian Anthology, Vol 1. Half Baked Beans, p. 287.
“I am Never at Home” and “The Old Clock.” Special Collection: Creativity in the Time of the Pandemic 2020. Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities. Poems by Subhankar Dutta | Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities
“To My Freud.” LangLit, Volume.5, Issue-1, (2018). Maharashtra, India. ISSN 2349-5189